
KMart is their new "real" & fashionable ad campaign

Filed under: modelsbusiness FlashAd campaigns,American Apparel,vogue


KMart is really trying people's perception of their garments to improve. Only last year we told you that the retail giant has some ad space on the pages of the September issue of vogue.

Now they are releasing some new display on the public advertising "can money buy style" and with real people instead of models.

Like American Apparel of them.

You view with no models mark were shot dead at Manhattan's hotel.

The Minneapolis-based ad agency Peterson Milla hooks, who used to work with aim, has a new campaign for KMart, there created a new logo and new look.

A KMart VP says:

"We felt understood [PMH], style and fashion and creative thinkers of the out-of-the-box." We want to get the message, that we have amazing fashion. We want that be this a memorandum of understanding. "This is part of more people in Kmart."

Added that the campaign is directed at "the kind of person, which has fun with fashion, but is not a slave." "It's the kind of person, on labels, but rather on expression his or her own style care not."

Sounds like a good concept.

What u think their new campaign?

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Posted at: June 23, 2011 at 6:30 pm


