
American Apparel is Dov looking after a buyer & you!

Filed under: business FlashDov Charney,American Apparel


The ability to tap a man when he is pressed.

Bankruptcy threatens American Apparel is all your options to explore, and one of them is the company to sell .

Good news, right? Well, not for Dov Charney.

Sources close to the situation say AA is sold, it is highly unlikely that allows the buyer to keep around the CEO.

We can not say that we are too surprised. In fact, that may be for the company well as Charney seems only negative publicity to win.

In the meantime, Dov remains in denial about the whole situation.

He said the consultant, magazine "Insolvency" in their SEC filings mention was "something what we done, as a commitment to Shareholders… have to say that the company is unstable is not exactly".

What makes you more easily at night, Dov sleep.

[Image via AFP.]

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Posted at: April 6, 2011 at 2:00 pm


