
Dov Charney arbitration reveals contract!

Filed under: Icky Icky PoomodelsDov Charney,American Apparel


If you thought, American Apparel founder Dov Charney was shady, not nothing is still seen.

BNet was able, their hands on one of the treaties, are to forced the models, sign up for Dov pose, because that's the only way what the get paid!

The victims models explained by the signing of the "model-release and arbitration agreement":

not Charney to court to sue it.
-Any arbitration is carried out in secrecy
no harmful information (i.e. blogs, media, etc.), it can go public
–A breach of contract is "gutzumachenden American Apparel not to cause harm", and the company may seek to enforce it a temporary or permanent interim


Sure go to great lengths to these girls quietly, which keep makes us questions: what means to hide Dov have???

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Submitted on: March 25, 2011 at 5:49 pm


